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Search results: (176 matches)
Business issues Invoice proz invoice In US, your ssn is the tax id, and this gets
mentioned in w9 which you will have to submit to
the agency for payment. I use proz invoicing for
last 7-8 years or more and find it convenien
Srini Venkataraman Feb 6
Interpreting Interpretation equipment in Sweden (Malmö) The organizer I though the person(s) organizing the conference
make(s) arranges the booth/headset. We are just
like plugins- go to the venue and start
interpreting right away.
Srini Venkataraman Jan 31
Health and lifestyle for language professionals How to reduce the risk of developing dementia Start interpreting! Thinking about this dementia problem , I started
interpreting about 13 years ago, continuous
updating of glossary in the mind, and reducing the
latency in interpreting, for 2 languages,
Srini Venkataraman Aug 28, 2024
Interpreting Consecutive interpretation jobs, EN/RU<>AZ Possible leads for interpretation You have to decide on your audience/market- such
as legal/ medical etc 1. Contact agencies who can
get you jobs. 2. contact the courts ( Nakhchivan,
Baku, Ganja, Sheki, Shirvan) if you t
Srini Venkataraman Aug 21, 2024
Getting established Can I put the agencies I work with on my CV? No It is always better not to divulge your agencies/
clients names for 1. No need to ask permission to
add their name. 2. Donot let your competitors
know, to prevent under quoting and tak
Srini Venkataraman May 26, 2024
Money matters Agences keep asking for "hourly rates" but don't in fact pay per hour. Rate and time I had seen this problem only once. I quoted my
hourly rate for proofreading. The company agreed
by “morning” but soon after they said the job
will need only 2.5 hours. It is an Indian
Srini Venkataraman May 25, 2024
Being independent Online consecutive interpreting online interpreting That is is the best thing that can happen. Stay at
home and still work. Commute time is productively
converted into "talk time" I am doing remote
consecutive ever since covid start in 201
Srini Venkataraman May 16, 2024
Business issues Sending your rates, signing NDA, completing your profile but you never hear from the agency? Year end time These agencies at the end of the year of enrolling
will send you gpdr compliance agreement, hipaa
certification and do on. If I have not recd a job
from a company for a year, I donot deal
Srini Venkataraman May 3, 2024
Money matters My Client Entered a Provisional Insolvency Proceedings this is different "In order to stand up on their feet again, what is
the best way to recover from insolvency? M&A?
Buyout?" No way. I have seen plenty of
interpreting companies growing and growing and
Srini Venkataraman Apr 1, 2024
Money matters Advice Needed: Client Dispute Over Translation Project Never refund 1, They had plenty of time to review. 2. If the
review is one of rewording the sentences- then
strictly no. I get sometimes, apparently the
reviewer wants to justify his work. But I stand
Srini Venkataraman Mar 29, 2024
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing How do you tackle revising/reviewing poorly translated texts? possible replies If am in such a situation of having to review a
poor translation, my response will be 1. I am not
available now. 2. Inform the customer that you
are focusing on translations only at thi
Srini Venkataraman Nov 3, 2023
Copywriting / transcreation Transcription rates Transcription I used to do transcription +translation. But the
agency wants 1)transcript 2)translation copies. If
the interim transcript is not required then the
output is much better. Transcript alone
Srini Venkataraman Oct 10, 2023
Money matters How should I charge administration costs? Admin costs I donot have admin costs. I have minimum charges
for translation and for interpretation it is 2
hours. The multiple mails before getting the
order and follow-up for payment etc,
Srini Venkataraman Sep 26, 2023
Translation Theory and Practice Professionals are hard to find response time Normally I respond within an hour if some one asks
for my service ( more like 15 minutes during my
daytime) except for requests which I ignore, like
mails coming thorough 1. gmail /yahoo
Srini Venkataraman Sep 26, 2023
Money matters Payment methods Paypal I accept PayPal for last 10+ years and also bank
transfers. But some of the agencies are going in
for newer payment processors.(btw, For one off
jobs, I donot like to give bank details.)
Srini Venkataraman Apr 7, 2023
Money matters Payment methods There was a time when agencies preferred bank
transfer instead of sending checks. Now I am
receiving payment through veem, gusto, melio etc
payments. These payments reach the bank account
Srini Venkataraman Apr 7, 2023
Interpreting Is this a normal workload? Si issue Except for the additional fee for the extra time
over the full day (8 hours), which may have
already been agreed to, I do not find any issue on
the long day of work. Unlike the 4-5 or even
Srini Venkataraman Mar 29, 2023
Business issues Who is to blame for a false translation with legal consequences - the translator or the proofreader? Translator responsibility Lingua 5B comment :"a document would be returned
to me with random comments regarding synonyms or
preferences (totally unnecessary), while obvious
omissions and mistakes were ignored" T
Srini Venkataraman Feb 3, 2023
Money matters Tiny jobs paid per word – demand a minimum fee. Seriously. Too small jobs If these jobs are not big enough to justify the
minimum page fee I let them know, but if they are
still keen, then no point in not doing it.
Srini Venkataraman Oct 13, 2021
Interpreting After hours fee Reply Thanks. I tried 15% extra for after/before normal
working hours. The agency is unable to understand
this, as they are in regular working hours (London
being about 6 hrs ahead). Have to ke
Srini Venkataraman Jun 25, 2021
Translation Theory and Practice Photographs in ID Translations: What to do when the source document has a photograph? add the photo/logo I always replicate the original by copying the
logos, photos. e.g academic certificates, tax
receipts, birth certificates etc. Never had an
issue with these. If one or more of these are
Srini Venkataraman Jun 25, 2021
Interpreting After hours fee For interpreting jobs, how much extra % is
appropriate if the call is a. During week
ends b. Before/after normal working hours? For
doing transcontinental jobs, which are mostly
Srini Venkataraman Jun 21, 2021
Interpreting Early finishing of a prescheduled call Invoice sent Sent the invoice for the 2.5 hours, was accepted
by agency, hopefully will get the full
Srini Venkataraman Sep 22, 2020
Interpreting Early finishing of a prescheduled call I had a prescheduled interpreting call this early
morning (before sunrise), from a clinic. The
call was for 2.5 hours, so I blocked my calendar
accordingly. The call got finished by
Srini Venkataraman Sep 21, 2020
Money matters Rates for English - Hindi translation/proofreading, sample tests, and low rates My rate “My rate is for my services. I donot reduce
because your budget is low. I have stopped doing
tests whether for translation or for interpreting.
Experience counts. Earlier in the career d
Srini Venkataraman Jan 27, 2020
Copywriting / transcreation transcription software Transcription sw I am not aware of this sw. Of late I have stopped
doing transcription due to audio issues, so not
aware of any new sw.
Srini Venkataraman Nov 25, 2019
Copywriting / transcreation transcription software Expressscribe pro Please try this. I have the licensed version. Srini Venkataraman Nov 25, 2019
Health and lifestyle for language professionals Where do you work as a freelancer? Home is best I work from home and shut the room door. Have
regular hours, so all know not to disturb me
during those hours. To add a bit of seriousness,
get into business casual instead of pajamas, and
Srini Venkataraman May 6, 2019
Getting established Is it time to say goodbye? There is always a way When my friend was laid off here in USA, he
started teaching English to Portuguese persons (
he had worked in maths dept in Brazil - SP
university about 14+ years) till he got a high
Srini Venkataraman May 3, 2019
Getting established Is it time to say goodbye? There is always a way When my Indian friend was laid off here in USA,
he started teaching English to Portuguese persons
( he had worked in maths dept in Brazil - SP
university about 14+ years) till he got a hi
Srini Venkataraman May 3, 2019
Money matters Lowest amount for which you can engage a debt collection agency in the UK Bb entry Did you make a complaint in proz for non payment ?
Normally in such cases I make a blue board entry
too in addition to the complaint- that triggered
payment promptly most times for me. If
Srini Venkataraman Apr 26, 2019
Wordfast support Translating with too many tags Renaming the doc For loading in WF I always make a copy of the
source doc .so when I remove hyperlinks etc I
will still have untampered source doc for
verification at any time.
Srini Venkataraman Jan 25, 2019
Wordfast support Translating with too many tags Got a word doc for translation. 890 words. When
loaded in WF pro 5, surprised to see around 240
tags.each of the 65 segments were so “full” of
tags. For starters have removed the hyp
Srini Venkataraman Jan 24, 2019
Money matters Charges for the weekend: interpreting work week end charges [quote]Nikki Scott-Despaigne wrote: As you are
away from home, you certainly have to make sure
your accommodation and restaurant expenses are
covered. That would be non-negotiable. The
Srini Venkataraman Dec 29, 2018
Money matters Charges for the weekend: interpreting work weekend charges I am in IL and work is in MA I have indicated
daily rate for the whole period. Let me wait and
Srini Venkataraman Dec 29, 2018
Money matters Charges for the weekend: interpreting work Charges for the weekend: interpreting work" Half a day sounds proper. No fee on the weekend is
not acceptable, since I am not at home. [Some
agency, I heard, was paying only for the
contracted hours (for example, say 4 hrs) even i
Srini Venkataraman Dec 28, 2018
Money matters Charges for the weekend: interpreting work I need to provide a quote for interpreting
assignment. will be for 10 days offsite. For the
week days, I have a full day rate.
Accommodation/transport to their account. My
query is,
Srini Venkataraman Dec 28, 2018
Interpreting Definition of Travel Time for freelance interpreters Travel time I determine the time per google maps( mapquest
data seems dated) and the hourly fee will be at
50% of the interpretation fee.I took this basis
from Maryland court manual long back. It work
Srini Venkataraman Dec 27, 2018
Interpreting Interpreting into a B language (survey) Done done Srini Venkataraman Oct 12, 2018
Business issues How to handle a.I received 3 or 4 small docs together in one
request :each doc is say 150 words, so will have
minimum billing each. But totally for the 500
words, the billing will be different. So shou
Srini Venkataraman Oct 12, 2018
Money matters UK agency payment Thanks Nikki Per Thomas's suggestion, I have mailed the company
asking for payment in USD instead of GBP. Waiting
for their reply. I normally quote in USD, but
some of the agencies go for GBP, Euro e
Srini Venkataraman Feb 28, 2018
Money matters UK agency payment Thanks Thomas That is a good work around. That way the rate will
not be affected by paypal exchange rates. Let me
contact the agency. My rates were set in early
2006 and was reasonable at that time an
Srini Venkataraman Feb 27, 2018
Money matters UK agency payment Thanks for the input Thanks Josephine/Angela for your inputs. Since
GBP to USD conversion and the commission by paypal
also takes away about 6-8%, I think I will walk
away, since the raise has been declined.
Srini Venkataraman Feb 27, 2018
Money matters UK agency payment After waiting for so long, last week I had asked
for a rate increase to UK agency. My rate is in
GBP. I lost about 20% after brexit and USD to GBP
came down from 1.65 to 1.40. Having work
Srini Venkataraman Feb 27, 2018
Money matters Translation agencies' complaints procedures My way I had similar late payments from 2
agencies....paying after lot of follow ups and in
3 months or so. Told them will not do anymore.
Able to get better payers in the meanwhile.
Srini Venkataraman Jan 21, 2018
Software applications Looking for free invoicing software Invoicing I have been using proz's own invoice system for
last 4+ years and you can find it under "tools" in
the header bar.
Srini Venkataraman Jul 31, 2017
Business issues job offers from online channels I read a copywriter saying getting job
opportunities from "a variety of channels, include
Facebook, Slack, Reddit,, and
Twitter". Is there a possibility or any one is
Srini Venkataraman Apr 2, 2017
Business issues Free tests - obligatory to mention them in job ads? take it or leave it If a company wants to send me a test, I will weigh
in the probability of future business. If
positive, then I go ahead , if not I will stop
communicating further. Cut you losses and move o
Srini Venkataraman Jun 27, 2016
Business issues Free tests - obligatory to mention them in job ads? proz jobs When I mentioned earlier about tests, I was
referring to those who contact me after seeing my
profile thru proz etc. Per se I do not try for the
advertised translation jobs.
Srini Venkataraman Jun 27, 2016
Business issues Free tests - obligatory to mention them in job ads? sometimes only Regarding tests 1. only some companies ask for
tests at the first interaction to evaluate the
translator. Once the quality is confirmed future
jobs start coming in, no hassles. I have 2 c
Srini Venkataraman Jun 27, 2016

மொழிபெயர்ப்பு தொழில் பற்றிய விவாத மன்றங்கள்

மொழிபெயர்ப்பு, வாய்வழி மொழிபெயர்ப்பு (interpreting) மற்றும் ஓரிடப்படுத்தல் (localization) பற்றி வெளிப்படையான விவாதங்கள்

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Manage your TMs and Terms ... and boost your translation business

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