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| chrisleo Local time: 12:21 சைய்னீஸ் - ஆங்கிலம் + ...
�... See more 能利用业余时间做一点自己喜欢的事情真的很不错。
chance wrote:
Chris Leo wrote:
▲ Collapse | | | wherestip யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 22:21 சைய்னீஸ் - ஆங்கிலம் + ... Misconception | Oct 21, 2007 |
I would just like to point out that the Voice of America is a braodcast literally aimed at an audience in foreign countries. It has the principal mission of speading the "gospel" of democracy around the globe, while the BBC doesn't necessarily have the same mission. In other words, the VOA is pretty much a propaganda machine, or a beacon of light if you want to put it more delicately
There is a difference in what... See more I would just like to point out that the Voice of America is a braodcast literally aimed at an audience in foreign countries. It has the principal mission of speading the "gospel" of democracy around the globe, while the BBC doesn't necessarily have the same mission. In other words, the VOA is pretty much a propaganda machine, or a beacon of light if you want to put it more delicately
There is a difference in what's talked about ad nauseam in a broadcast like the VOA versus the issues discussed in the mainstream media domestically. IMO there are a lot more open and intelligent conversations in the media than most of the outside world thinks. As a matter of fact, Sunday morning television programs are solid back-to-back political discussions dedicated to domestic and world affairs; all kinds of viewpoints, conservative and liberal, are exchanged and debated on the air. The participants are mostly politicians, journalists, and sometimes experts from academia or guests from foreign countries. So the alleged brainwashing is pretty far-fetched IMO. BTW, you've all heard about Iran's President recently speaking at Columbia University to give his take on things, haven't you?
Here's an example of a serious piece of journalism reflecting on how America bought into the Iraq war. It is done by the renowned journalist Bill Moyers, and is put out on PBS, i.e., the Public Broadcasting System.
Of course, we're all ears on what chance has to say. I doubt any of us would resent any different viewpoints that we haven't been exposed to yet.
[Edited at 2007-10-21 19:38] ▲ Collapse | | | chance (X) ஃபிரன்ச் - சைய்னீஸ் + ... Steven, You are wonderful! | Oct 21, 2007 |
wherestip wrote:
Of course, we're all ears on what chance has to say. I doubt any of us would resent any different viewpoints that we haven't been exposed to yet.
| | | chrisleo Local time: 12:21 சைய்னீஸ் - ஆங்கிலம் + ...
[Edited at 2007-10-21 17:11] | |
wherestip யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 22:21 சைய்னீஸ் - ஆங்கிலம் + ... Freedom of Speech | Oct 21, 2007 |
I understand. I just wanted to make sure that people don't confuse certain foreign and domestic policies of an administration with the issues of democracy and free speech.
These words by Susan Sontag were published in the Sept. 24th 2001 issue of the New Yorker, rig... See more Chris,
I understand. I just wanted to make sure that people don't confuse certain foreign and domestic policies of an administration with the issues of democracy and free speech.
These words by Susan Sontag were published in the Sept. 24th 2001 issue of the New Yorker, right after the 9/11 attack.
Of course what she said at the time did not represent the majority view, and even today some people might find some sentences distatesful; but at least her voice was heard. ▲ Collapse | | | chrisleo Local time: 12:21 சைய்னீஸ் - ஆங்கிலம் + ...
chance wrote:
wherestip wrote:
Of course, we're all ears on what chance has to say. I doubt any of us would resent any different viewpoints that we haven't been exposed to yet.
| | | chrisleo Local time: 12:21 சைய்னீஸ் - ஆங்கிலம் + ... fredom of speech | Oct 21, 2007 |
wherestip wrote:
I understand. I just wanted to make sure that people don't confuse certain foreign and domestic policies of an administration with the issues of democracy and free speech.
These words by Susan Sontag were published in the Sept. 24th 2001 issue of the New Yorker, right after the 9/11 attack.
Of course what she said at the time did not represent the majority view, and even today some people might find some sentences distatesful; but at least her voice was heard.
[Edited at 2007-10-21 17:34] | | | isahuang Local time: 23:21 ஆங்கிலம் - சைய்னீஸ் + ...
Wenjer Leuschel wrote:
这两位都是思想家。法国人当然非常推崇 Tocqueville,而且可以从他做的观察和思想中拿出东西来印证他预见的美国式民主会带来的种种问题。美国人呢?他们大多既不读也不读 Chomsky 的东西。我想,点到为止就好。再说下去就变成政治话题了。所以我说相思,你还是甭翻译的好。
美国大众是不会读这两个人的东西,不过他们的著作在大学里还是有一定读者基础的。 | |
Wenjer Leuschel (X) தைவான் Local time: 12:21 ஆங்கிலம் - சைய்னீஸ் + ... "Communism is fascism with a human face." | Oct 22, 2007 |
Susan Rosenblatt 是一个脑袋清楚的知识分子,去年十二月二十八日去世,享年七十一。幸好她是在美国的社会出生长大,如果是在某些权力极端集中的国家社会里,她的思想--最主要是言语风格--恐怕很容易惹来杀身之祸。
Sontag drew fire for writing that "Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Balanchine ballets, et al. don't redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history." (Partisan Review, Winter 1967, p. 57.) Sontag later offered an ironic apology for the remark, saying it was insensitive to cancer victims.
Sontag was quoted by Editor-in-Chief Brendan Lemon of Out magazine as saying "I grew up in a time when the modus operandi was the 'open secret'. I'm used to that, and quite OK with it. Intellectually, I know why I haven't spoken more about my sexuality, but I do wonder if I haven't repressed something there to my detriment. … Maybe I could have given comfort to some people if I had dealt with the subject of my private sexuality more, but it's never been my prime mission to give comfort, unless somebody's in drastic need. I'd rather give pleasure, or shake things up." | | | daisy0079 Local time: 12:21 ஆங்கிலம் - சைய்னீஸ்
Chris Leo wrote:
[Edited at 2007-10-21 17:11]
国内媒体的问题不只是偏见而已,我天天看报纸,大多数新闻离我的生活很远,真假不得而知;但是偶尔也会看到我能够亲身核实的消息,很遗憾,全都有相当部分是不真实的。和故意撒谎相比,“偏见”“倾向性”真可说不算什么了。世上本来就没有“无偏见的人”,过分强调媒体从业人员的偏见,岂不也有点“把小偷报道成杀人犯”吗? | | | pkchan யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 23:21 உறுப்பினர் (2006) ஆங்கிலம் - சைய்னீஸ் + ...
在這方面,要看看教育制度,師資訓練,課程,教學方法等等。 | | | chrisleo Local time: 12:21 சைய்னீஸ் - ஆங்கிலம் + ...
在我看来,无论国内还是国外媒体,如果想要歪曲事实,只要可以强调一部分而忽略另一部分就足够了,这也是比较高明的手段。比如,有的媒体倾向于只报忧不报或少报细,有的媒体倾向于只报喜而不报或少报忧。这已经是媒... See more 我发这几个帖子在强调国外自由媒体在报道发展中国家时有过分强调阴暗面的倾向。好多人认识到了小偷的偷东西,却没有留意警察打小偷。
daisy0079 wrote:
daisy0079 wrote:
[Edited at 2007-10-23 06:12] ▲ Collapse | |
chance (X) ஃபிரன்ச் - சைய்னீஸ் + ... | lbone சீனா Local time: 12:21 ஆங்கிலம் - சைய்னீஸ் + ... 基本同意daisy0079 | Oct 22, 2007 |
如果AB两方有冲突,如果只报A方挨打的消息,却完全不报A也打人和B挨打的消息,这种新闻单就个体事实来说是真的,但从整体看,就成了假新闻。 | | | isahuang Local time: 23:21 ஆங்கிலம் - சைய்னீஸ் + ...
lbone wrote:
Biased report of world events is not uncommon even in the west. Media groups are often owned by powerful business people. Some don't interfere with the reporting, some do meddle in the daily reporting of events. As a result, a lot of media groups do have a bias either towards the left or the right. They might only focus on one side of the story, and be regarded as very biased to some viewers. But I wouldn't call their report fabricated. In order to know what is going on, I usually try several news sources. In the US, CNN is regarded as very liberal, and Fox News is very conservative. They both have a bias. I know in France, Liberation is to the left, le figaro is to the right, and lemond is more in the middle? I am sure Chance can tell us more about this. | | | பதிவின் பக்கங்கள்: < [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17] > | To report site rules violations or get help, contact a site moderator: You can also contact site staff by submitting a support request » 低价翻译 Trados Studio 2022 Freelance |
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