Translation glossary: Birds - Latin-English - A. Quintana

Showing entries 51-100 of 9,913
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Accipiter melanochlamysBlack-mantled Goshawk 
Latin to English
Accipiter melanoleucusBlack Goshawk 
Latin to English
Accipiter meyerianusMeyer's Goshawk 
Latin to English
Accipiter minullusLittle Sparrowhawk 
Latin to English
Accipiter nanusSmall Sparrowhawk 
Latin to English
Accipiter nisusEurasian Sparrowhawk 
Latin to English
Accipiter novaehollandiaeGrey Goshawk 
Latin to English
Accipiter ovampensisOvambo Sparrowhawk 
Latin to English
Accipiter poliocephalusGrey-headed Goshawk 
Latin to English
Accipiter poliogasterGrey-bellied Goshawk 
Latin to English
Accipiter princepsNew Britain Goshawk 
Latin to English
Accipiter rhodogasterVinous-breasted Sparrowhawk 
Latin to English
Accipiter rufitorquesFiji Goshawk 
Latin to English
Accipiter rufiventrisRufous-chested Sparrowhawk 
Latin to English
Accipiter soloensisChinese Goshawk 
Latin to English
Accipiter striatusSharp-shinned Hawk 
Latin to English
Accipiter superciliosusTiny Hawk 
Latin to English
Accipiter tachiroAfrican Goshawk 
Latin to English
Accipiter tousseneliiRed-chested Hawk 
Latin to English
Accipiter trinotatusSpot-tailed Goshawk 
Latin to English
Accipiter trivirgatusCrested Goshawk 
Latin to English
Accipiter ventralisPlain-breasted Hawk 
Latin to English
Accipiter virgatusBesra 
Latin to English
Aceros cassidixKnobbed Hornbill 
Latin to English
Aceros comatusWhite-crowned Hornbill 
Latin to English
Aceros corrugatusWrinkled Hornbill 
Latin to English
Aceros everettiSumba Hornbill 
Latin to English
Aceros leucocephalusWhite-headed Hornbill 
Latin to English
Aceros narcondamiNarcondam Hornbill 
Latin to English
Aceros nipalensisRufous-necked Hornbill 
Latin to English
Aceros plicatusPapuan Hornbill or Blyth's Hornbill 
Latin to English
Aceros subruficollisPlain-pouched Hornbill 
Latin to English
Aceros undulatusWreathed Hornbill 
Latin to English
Aceros waldeniRufous-headed Hornbill 
Latin to English
Acestrura astreansSanta Marta Woodstar 
Latin to English
Acestrura berlepschiEsmeraldas Woodstar 
Latin to English
Acestrura bombusLittle Woodstar 
Latin to English
Acestrura heliodorGorgeted Woodstar 
Latin to English
Acestrura mulsantWhite-bellied Woodstar 
Latin to English
Achaetops pycnopygiusDamara Rock-jumper 
Latin to English
Acridotheres albocinctusCollared Myna 
Latin to English
Acridotheres cristatellusCrested Myna 
Latin to English
Acridotheres fuscusJungle Myna 
Latin to English
Acridotheres ginginianusBank Myna 
Latin to English
Acridotheres grandisWhite-vented Myna 
Latin to English
Acridotheres javanicusJavan Myna 
Latin to English
Acridotheres tristisCommon Myna 
Latin to English
Acrocephalus (baeticatus) cinnamomeusRufescent Reed-Warbler 
Latin to English
Acrocephalus (familiaris) kingiNihoa Millerbird 
Latin to English
Acrocephalus (stentoreus) orinusLarge-billed Reed-Warbler 
Latin to English
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