Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group |
Jisho is a powerful Japanese-English dictionary. It lets you find words, kanji, example sentences and more quickly and easily. Our goal is to build a new kind of dictionary that doesn't just let you look up single words or kanji, but rather helps you understand any Japanese text. Ultimately we want to see it be a Google Now or Wolfram Alpha for the... View more
Karate Terms & Translations
Bruce A. Brunger |
PDF file composed by Bruce A. Brunger with various terms of Karate, with focus on the Goju-Ryu style and pronunciations of Japanese (in this case, Romanji) terms.
Karate Terms & Translations
Bruce A. Brunger |
Compendium of terms utilized in Goju-Ryu Karate, complete with a very thorough pronunciation guide.
Bi-Directional English-Japanese Dictionary
Pacific Software Publishing |
To look up a Japanese word, you must type in kana or kanji to find the definition. The dictionary is not designed to accept romanized Japanese input. You can also use wildcards ( * ) in your search.
This dictionary is based on EDICT by Jim Breen and is powered by ALISE (A Little Internet Search Engine).
Searchable online Japanese to English and English to Japanese dictionary database. This dictionary is very versatile. You can do a general search or search for target words restricted to subcategories such as science, biology, aviation, law, culture, place or people names and many more. It is very up-to-date and is continually expanding, as a res... View more
A comprehensive database that enables you to search for the Japanese term for a keyword in English, French, etc., the English definition of a Japanese keyword, and the reading of Japanese characters.
Unicode glossary |
Terminology used in relation to Internet standard Unicode