Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Insect terms (En, Fr, De)
Common and Latin names of insect pests in German
Nomenclatura zoológica de las Américas
Grupo Ciencias de la Vida |
Glosario de nombres científicos (en latín) de diversos animales y sus equivalentes en el habla popular de diversos países hispanohablantes.
Glossary of Bees
Carl Hayden Bee Research Center |
Glossary of bees
For Entomologists who work on Coleoptera / Beetles, and others who are interested in Insects, Beetle collecting, Wildlife and Nature... For Researchers and Museum Workers, Ecologists, Environmentalists
Pest Management Glossary
Integrated Pest Management Resource Centre |
The Glossary of Pest Management Terms considers pest in its widest context (weeds, pathogens, insects, nematodes, vertebrates, parasites) and deals with pest management terms across all systems, and disciplines eg. biotechnology, forestry, agriculture, urban and domestic. In addition a number of project management and statistical terms have been in... View more