Translation Glossaries from the Web
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English Names of German Laws -
Victor Dewsbery |
Abfallverbringungs-Verordnung (AbfVerbrV) Ordinance on the Trans-frontier Shipment of Waste Abwasserabgabengesetz (AbwAG) Waste Water Charges Act AGB-Gesetz Act Governing Standard Business Conditions Aktiengesetz Stock Corporation Act Allgemeine Deutsche Seeversicherungs-Bedingungen German General Rules of Marine Insurance
German laws in translation
UCL Faculty of Law |
very useful link for translators who need to quote legal passages in their translations, BGB, Handelsgesetzbuch, Arbeitsgesetzt, Millionenverordnung, Kreditwesengesetz and much more are offered in the (unofficial) English translation
Glossaries compiled by Victor Dewsberry. Available English<->German