The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

குரோயேஷியன் - ஆங்கிலம் கலை, கலைகள் & கைத்தொழில், ஓவியக்கலை Translation Glossary

குரோயேஷியன் term ஆங்கிலம் translation
akademski slikar academy-trained painter
Entered by: Natasa Stankovic
antikizirajući antiqued
Entered by: I H
asirski drvored Assyrian tree-lined path
šesterolatično podnožje six-petal foot (of the chalice)
šum noći noise /murmur of the night
Entered by: Gordana Podvezanec
broć madder
crkvena plastika church sculpture
filmičan filmic
gijoširanje (grafika) guilloching (graphic)
glavičasta igla head-shaped needle
glumišta theatre
grm pod deblima bush under the trees
Entered by: Gordana Podvezanec
impostacija impostation
Entered by: I H
kamenostatuarni stone statuary
kinezerija chinoiserie
kontekstualiziranje contextualization
krobotska beatifikacija Croatian beatification
kulturna gnojiva cultural manure
likovna mapa (art) stationery
ljeskanje stabala glitter of the trees
Entered by: Gordana Podvezanec
ljubitelj umjetnosti art lover
motiv kanelira cannellated ornament/motif
Entered by: I H
opeka clay
oslik painting layer
penice penica
plošnost flatness
pojavnost manifestation
poklonci wayside shrines
preslik overpaint
reljefni prikaz high relief showing...
rmuše whitethroat
sitnoslikar miniaturist
slika i prilika raspetoga the image and likeness (of the crucified)
snježna buka snow brawl
stilski sljednik stylistic successor
Entered by: I H
tročetvrtinski profil three-quarters profile/semi-profile
Entered by: Elio Verbanac
trozubac trident
Entered by: I H
tutkalo animal glue
u morfološkom smislu in morphological sense
upadno svjetlo Incident Light
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