DE-EN legal dictionary
இழை இடுபவர்: Claire Titchmarsh (X)
Claire Titchmarsh (X)
Claire Titchmarsh (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:42
இத்தாலியன் - ஆங்கிலம்
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Sep 18, 2004

I'm not sure if this has been discussed before but couldn't find any postings. What's the best legal/commercial German to English dictionary you can recommend?


Narasimhan Raghavan
Narasimhan Raghavan  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:12
ஆங்கிலம் - தமிழ்
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Routledge German dictionary Sep 18, 2004

Routledge German dictionary of business, commerce and Finance is quite good. I have the second edition. ISBN: 0-415-30236-6.
Should be available in Amazon sales.


Shane London
Shane London  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:42
ருஷ்ஷியன் - ஆங்கிலம்
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German-English & English-German-Legal Dictionary Sep 18, 2004

Claire Titchmarsh wrote:

I'm not sure if this has been discussed before but couldn't find any postings. What's the best legal/commercial German to English dictionary you can recommend?


Hello Claire
I use Köbler Rechtsenglisch Deutsch-englisches und englisch-deutsches Rechtswörterbuch für jedermann 3. Auflage Verlag Vahlen It was $55 Australian about 4 years ago. I don't claim this is the best but I have found it very useful.

Shane London

Carley Hydusik
Carley Hydusik  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:42
ருஷ்ஷியன் - ஆங்கிலம்
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Dietl/Lorenz Sep 18, 2004

I think the Dietl/Lorenz Wörterbuch für Recht, Wirtschaft und Politik (both directions) is widely recognized as a standard reference book... you can find it and others at Kater Verlag in Germany. Here's a page:

Derek Gill Franßen
Derek Gill Franßen  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:42
ஜெர்மன் - ஆங்கிலம்
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Legal Dictionaries (DEU>ENG) Sep 18, 2004

I have been using Dietl for years and I find it very reliable. Here are some more suggestions see Kim's comment to my agree here:

...and of course the German-English KudoZ-forum on this excellent site.

[Edited at 2004-09-18 15:21]

[Edited at 2004-09-18 15:23]

Kim Metzger
Kim Metzger  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:42
ஜெர்மன் - ஆங்கிலம்
DE-EN legal dictionary Sep 18, 2004

Hi Claire,
I don't think there's a single best dictionary; you need several complementing each other.
I use Dietl/Lorenz, Romain, Hamblock/Wessels and Taschenwörterbuch Recht, R. Lister-K. Veth. If you do contracts, you might also be interested in Standardvertragsmuster zum Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht. I have Schaefer, Wirtschaftswörterbuch but I find it disappointing.

Dietl/Lorenz: Dictionary of Legal, Commercial and Political Terms, C:H. Beck
... See more
Hi Claire,
I don't think there's a single best dictionary; you need several complementing each other.
I use Dietl/Lorenz, Romain, Hamblock/Wessels and Taschenwörterbuch Recht, R. Lister-K. Veth. If you do contracts, you might also be interested in Standardvertragsmuster zum Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht. I have Schaefer, Wirtschaftswörterbuch but I find it disappointing.

Dietl/Lorenz: Dictionary of Legal, Commercial and Political Terms, C:H. Beck
Hamblock/Wessels: Großwörterbuch Wirtschaftsenglisch, Cornelsen
Romain: Dictionary of Legal and Commercial Terms, C.H. Beck
R. Lister/K. Veth: Max Hueber Verlag (very small, but good, especially for criminal law)
Standardvertragsmuster: Dieter Stummel, Verlag C.H. Beck

Claire Titchmarsh (X)
Claire Titchmarsh (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:42
இத்தாலியன் - ஆங்கிலம்
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தலைப்பை ஆரம்பித்தல்
thanks Sep 18, 2004

everybody for your suggestions. I've seen that Dietl is the only one available on Amazon, everything else seems to be out of print/limited availability so I'll go for that one for the time being.

Lydia Molea
Lydia Molea  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:42
ஆங்கிலம் - ஜெர்மன்
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Try this ... Sep 18, 2004

for Schäfer and Romain (they also have Dietl):

Not sure if they ship abroad though.

I also use Dietl as my MAIN ref, and Romain as a complementary. Schäfer is really more for business & economics, especially stock exchange and the like. And you have to know a lot of background info, it is more like a glossary.

... See more
for Schäfer and Romain (they also have Dietl):

Not sure if they ship abroad though.

I also use Dietl as my MAIN ref, and Romain as a complementary. Schäfer is really more for business & economics, especially stock exchange and the like. And you have to know a lot of background info, it is more like a glossary.


P.S. Just checked again, they do ship outside of D.

[Edited at 2004-09-18 20:20]

Narasimhan Raghavan
Narasimhan Raghavan  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:12
ஆங்கிலம் - தமிழ்
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Where can I get the printed version of the Dietl/Lorenz commercial dictionary Sep 19, 2004

Wherever I search, I get only the offers of CD Rom. I am interested in the printed version of the above dictionary. Can anyone of the fellow proziens help me in this matter?

I would appreciate details like the year of edition, publisher details, price, ISBN number and so on. I will pass on the details to my local bookseller and he will do the rest.


Derek Gill Franßen
Derek Gill Franßen  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:42
ஜெர்மன் - ஆங்கிலம்
+ ...
Some info on Dietl... Sep 19, 2004

Narasimhan Raghavan wrote: I would appreciate details like the year of edition, publisher details, price, ISBN number and so on. I will pass on the details to my local bookseller and he will do the rest.

Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme

Wörterbuch für Recht, Wirtschaft und Politik: mit Kommentaren in deutscher und englischer Sprache ; einschließlich der Besonderheiten des amerikanischen Sprachgebrauchs. - München : Beck.
Paralleltitel: Dictionary of legal, commercial and political terms. - Teilw. außerdem im Bender-Verl., New York

Teil 2. Deutsch-englisch / von Clara-Eika Dietl ; Egon Lorenz
Unter Mitarb. von Wiebke Buxbaum ; Walter Bonhoeffer. - 4., völlig neubearb. und erw. Aufl. - 1992
ISBN 3 406 36654 6
NE: Dietl, Clara-Eika

C.H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Oscar Beck), München 1992
Druck der C.H. Beck'schen Buchdruckerei, Nördlingen
Gedruckt auf alterungsbeständigem (säurefreiem) Papier gemäß der ANSI-Norm für Bibliotheken
Printed in Germany

I'm almost positive that there is a newer edition, but this information can help you get started.

BTW - I looked and you'll find all the information you need on Lydia's link; just enter "Dietl" into the search-box. The 5th edition is due to be released this fall.

[Edited at 2004-09-19 13:31]

Joanna Mimmack (X)
Joanna Mimmack (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:42
ஜெர்மன் - ஆங்கிலம்
Dietl/Lorenz Sep 20, 2004

A new edition of Dietl/Lorenz is about to be published. When I enquired in July the Kater Verlag told me it was likely to be October/November time but I haven't checked recently.
The following link, which you probably already know, is useful, although colleagues have said you can't rely utterly on the English translation:

யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ்
ஜெர்மன் - ஆங்கிலம்
Publishing this dictionary is further postponed Sep 28, 2004

I had enquired several times with Acolada and with CH Beck. Acolada initially promised that the delivery of the latest edition would be sometime in May and then in August but that hasnt happened. Merely a week back I called the CH Beck Verlag and spoke to the Lektorin Fr. Hauptmann, who was not in a position to tell me when the dictionary will be released. She received several calls everyday enquiring abnout this dictionary but she sounded helpless. She added that the process was very slow as on... See more
I had enquired several times with Acolada and with CH Beck. Acolada initially promised that the delivery of the latest edition would be sometime in May and then in August but that hasnt happened. Merely a week back I called the CH Beck Verlag and spoke to the Lektorin Fr. Hauptmann, who was not in a position to tell me when the dictionary will be released. She received several calls everyday enquiring abnout this dictionary but she sounded helpless. She added that the process was very slow as one of the authors Dietl has passed away and Mr. Lorenz is doing the editing all by himself but AS A SIDE BUSINESS! So I guess we are really hoping against hope.
We need to look for better options.


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DE-EN legal dictionary

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