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Off topic: 不翻译时聊电影(Translations and Movies) இழை இடுபவர்: chance (X)
wherestip யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 17:23 சைய்னீஸ் - ஆங்கிலம் + ... DVD collection | Jan 20, 2008 |
chance wrote:
只是体会了一下very British, 不动声色的感情和幽默。
Steve, 我可以想像你有非常丰富的DVD储藏。
Oh, yes. I started purchasing DVDs as soon as DVD players became available; at the beginning there were only very few selections to choose from. Of course now the market is saturated with them. ![](https://cfcdn.proz.com/images/bb/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif)
It's going to be one of the main activities of retirement - catch up on my DVDs. ![](https://cfcdn.proz.com/images/bb/smiles/icon_wink.gif) | | |
wherestip யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 17:23 சைய்னீஸ் - ஆங்கிலம் + ... Lust, Caution | Jan 20, 2008 |
chance wrote:
我们这里本月16日影院上演“Lust, Caution”,居然几乎没有媒体或公众的反响,要不是我在这里听说,恐怕还不会知道有这部片子呢!
I sent for both DVDs from Amazon.com since their releases are only a week apart. ![](https://cfcdn.proz.com/images/bb/smiles/icon_wink.gif) | | |
wherestip யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 17:23 சைய்னீஸ் - ஆங்கிலம் + ... No-one lives forever | Jan 20, 2008 |
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wherestip யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 17:23 சைய்னீஸ் - ஆங்கிலம் + ... Lust, Caution | Feb 24, 2008 |
Zhoudan wrote:
I just finished watching "Lust, Caution" on DVD after purchasing a copy from Best Buy today. All I can tell you is you didn't miss much watching the R-rated version. Most of the explicit sex scenes were sadomasochism![](https://cfcdn.proz.com/images/bb/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif)
The acting was indeed very good, especially by the leading man and leading lady. I thought she was a little too young for the part though.
I had to keep reading the English subtitles because at times the dialog seemed real muddled due to some of the actors' and actress' accents. The DVD had no Chinese subtitles and no audio in English BTW. One scene where I thought the conversation was especially hard to make out was the idle chitchatting at the Mahjong table, right at the very beginning. I'm pretty sure it wasn't me or my hearing![](https://cfcdn.proz.com/images/bb/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif)
我觉得中国近年来电影演员吐字不清的不少, 可能和大陆、港、台的口音互相影响有关系. 这方面美英电影演员修养高得多.
[Edited at 2008-02-24 15:09] | |
wherestip யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 17:23 சைய்னீஸ் - ஆங்கிலம் + ... Voice coaches and diction training | Feb 24, 2008 |
When silent movies transitioned to "talkies" in the late '20s of the last century, plenty of emphasis was put on diction training in Hollywood. And of course ever since.
同志还须努... See more | | |
Zhoudan Local time: 07:23 ஆங்கிலம் - சைய்னீஸ் + ...
wherestip wrote:
One scene where I thought the conversation was especially hard to make out was the idle chitchatting at the Mahjong table, right at the very beginning. I'm pretty sure it wasn't me or my hearing
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wherestip யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 17:23 சைய்னீஸ் - ஆங்கிலம் + ...
Zhoudan wrote:
wherestip wrote:
One scene where I thought the conversation was especially hard to make out was the idle chitchatting at the Mahjong table, right at the very beginning. I'm pretty sure it wasn't me or my hearing
他们俩到后来肯定是发生了真正的感情, 加上王佳芝本人的经历背景, 年纪轻轻, 是很难经得起这种人性情感上的考验的. 当然她最终放走易先生也全是出于一时的感情冲动, 但结局我认为是讲得通的.
BTW, 今天戴着耳机又将开头看了两遍, 仔细听四人的谈话还是可以听得懂的. 即便如此, 我仍觉得几位演员的普通话是有改进的余地的![](https://cfcdn.proz.com/images/bb/smiles/icon_wink.gif)
[Edited at 2008-02-25 03:19] | | |
wherestip யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 17:23 சைய்னீஸ் - ஆங்கிலம் + ...
In addition, the love-making did progressively get more and more passionate over the course of the affair.
By the time it got to the scene at the Geisha house, where Wong sang a love song for Yi, one could tell that the two of them were really deeply in love. The scene was perhaps a bit boring, but nonetheless an important development. ![](https://cfcdn.proz.com/images/bb/smiles/icon_smile.gif)
[Edited at 2008-02-25 16:01] | |
wherestip யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 17:23 சைய்னீஸ் - ஆங்கிலம் + ... |
wherestip யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 17:23 சைய்னீஸ் - ஆங்கிலம் + ... And the Oscar goes to ... | Feb 25, 2008 |
Marion Cotillard! ![](https://cfcdn.proz.com/images/bb/smiles/icon_smile.gif) | | |
Wenjer Leuschel (X) தைவான் Local time: 07:23 ஆங்கிலம் - சைய்னீஸ் + ... What a life! | Feb 25, 2008 |
wherestip wrote:
La Vie En Rose just won for Best Makeup.
Marion Cotillard is also nominated for Best Actress.
And the Oscar goes to Marion Cotillard.
It wasn't a "pink life" at all. Marion Cotillard interpreted Piaff's life pretty convincing. That movie is a worthwatching. | | |
Wenjer Leuschel (X) தைவான் Local time: 07:23 ஆங்கிலம் - சைய்னீஸ் + ...
wherestip wrote:
他们俩到后来肯定是发生了真正的感情, 加上王佳芝本人的经历背景, 年纪轻轻, 是很难经得起这种人性情感上的考验的. 当然她最终放走易先生也全是出于一时的感情冲动, 但结局我认为是讲得通的.
BTW, 今天戴着耳机又将开头看了两遍, 仔细听四人的谈话还是可以听得懂的. 即便如此, 我仍觉得几位演员的普通话是有改进的余地的
开头那麻将桌上的语言,并不是那些演员普通话说不好,而是剧情需要他们带着较浓重的地方话口音表演那些对话。这是我的看法,也是常常在麻将桌上可以观察到的实际情况,不知你认为如何? | |
ysun யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 17:23 ஆங்கிலம் - சைய்னீஸ் + ...
wherestip wrote:
BTW, 今天戴着耳机又将开头看了两遍, 仔细听四人的谈话还是可以听得懂的. 即便如此, 我仍觉得几位演员的普通话是有改进的余地的
陈冲是上海人,汤唯是杭州人,也许她们说普通话时有点南腔北调。不过,以我的标准来衡量已经很好了。另外,不知你是否注意到,她们在搓麻将时有时说的是上海话,不知你是否能听懂? | | |
pkchan யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 18:23 உறுப்பினர் (2006) ஆங்கிலம் - சைய்னீஸ் + ... |
Wenjer Leuschel (X) தைவான் Local time: 07:23 ஆங்கிலம் - சைய்னீஸ் + ...
Yueyin Sun wrote:
蕃婆子的老爸是德国萨克逊地方人。萨克逊和下萨克逊是不同地区,后者的乡音属于高德语,前者的则是如同中国人说的“天不怕,地不怕,就怕老广说官话”,萨克逊人的德语最令德国其它地区的人害怕,因为他们的地方话实在难听。已过世的老丈人,26岁后就一直在南美洲,西班牙语说得沟通无碍,就是改不了口音。比方说,Jorge这个人名应该发音为/horxe/,他老人家一辈子都把他的一位老同事叫成/xorje/ (j音像pleasure里的"sure"那个"su"的发音),听起来很可爱,常常被朋友圈里的人拿来开他玩笑。
普通话的发音和腔调的准度,往往并非沟通的主要因素,因此某种程度的容忍是必需的。有点像fuzzy match,到达某种程度以上,大概就没问题了。
[Edited at 2008-02-25 10:28] | | |
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