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Off topic: 茶馆 : 所有"无关紧要的"话题 இழை இடுபவர்: chance (X)
Shang சீனா Local time: 23:03 ஆங்கிலம் - சைய்னீஸ்
ysun wrote:
看看这部记录片就可知道,普通中国人如何看待美国人,普通美国人又如何看待中国人;还可知道中美关系本来应该远比现在好得多。 在朝鲜牺牲的志愿军比人民军还多得多,现在朝鲜官方却有人说“朝鲜战争没中国什么事”!
但自从老蒋退出大陆之后,在中国人(大陆人)的心目里,美国人(政客)成了邪恶、贪婪的代名字,无论我们做什么,他都要跟我们做对,“凡是敌人拥护的,我们就要反对”。马克思的幽灵把美帝国主义视为腐朽垂死的资本主义,而美国人把共产主义视为洪水猛兽。中国文化从来没有“妥协”一说;而西方世界可以跟自己阵营里的敌对势力妥协,但对“异教徒”绝对是“不杀绝不足以平民愤”。双方都是精神分裂患者。 | | |
pkchan யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 10:03 உறுப்பினர் (2006) ஆங்கிலம் - சைய்னீஸ் + ...
笔名 陶杰、杨非劫
陶杰(1958年8月17日-),原名曹捷,尚有另一个笔名杨非劫,原籍广西,香港畅销专栏作家及传媒工作者,也有“香江第一才子”之称,他在报章杂志上(立场偏向亲欧美自由主义)经常发表以文化角度评论政治和时事的文章,以嬉笑怒骂的形式批评中国文化陋习及中港政府,遭到部分人士的强烈反... See more 陶杰
笔名 陶杰、杨非劫
陶杰(1958年8月17日-),原名曹捷,尚有另一个笔名杨非劫,原籍广西,香港畅销专栏作家及传媒工作者,也有“香江第一才子”之称,他在报章杂志上(立场偏向亲欧美自由主义)经常发表以文化角度评论政治和时事的文章,以嬉笑怒骂的形式批评中国文化陋习及中港政府,遭到部分人士的强烈反弹,斥之为极崇洋人物。但亦有不少人认为,他对香港及中国社会的严厉批评,是“爱之深、责之切”的表现[来源请求]。立场上支持香港普选及民主政治。陶杰出身左派报业世家,父亲曹骥云为香港大公报副总编辑、母亲常婷婷为编辑;外祖父常书林为《珠江日报》记者、弟弟曹辉在中资公司工作。自幼接触古典文学,中学时开始投稿,作品发表在《新晚报》。曾以散文《屋之挽歌》夺得1976年全港中学生征文比赛冠军。《轮》及《挥春之二》分别夺得《时代青年》第二届征文比赛散文组冠军、第三届诗组冠军。《兵车行》及《勇士》分别被选为第五届青年文学奖诗高级组亚军,第六届青年文学奖诗高级组季军。散文集《泰晤士河畔》获得第三届香港中文文学双年奖双年奖。幼时陶杰曾经于香港左派学校培侨中学就读,后来转去岭南中学,十七岁因会考成绩未达中六要求而到英国重读中五。中七毕业后,考入华威大学攻读英国文学,得学士衔。又在伦敦大学的伦敦政治经济学院修读国际关系文凭。毕业后于英国广播公司任职八年,并任香港电台驻英记者。风格时而幽默,时而挖苦、夸张、反讽,特别是针对中国文化时。喜以“小农社会”、“小农DNA”、“大唐人街”等词描述现代中国人生百态,社会上有人批评他言论过激和主观,也有人认为他一针见血说出事实。陶杰热衷研究中国文化,时在报章发表时事评论文章,以强烈批评中国文化作时事评论的焦点。另外,他亦崇尚欧日文化,特别是对英国最为欣赏,但他强调只是崇优。 ▲ Collapse | | |
ysun யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 09:03 ஆங்கிலம் - சைய்னீஸ் + ... |
ysun யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 09:03 ஆங்கிலம் - சைய்னீஸ் + ... 不满联邦政府苛政 美国得克萨斯州扬言“独立” | Apr 17, 2009 |
See more | |
wherestip யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 09:03 சைய்னீஸ் - ஆங்கிலம் + ...
ysun wrote:
不满联邦政府苛政 美国得克萨斯州扬言“独立”
我看 Rick Perry 也就是咋呼一下罢了. secede 可不是闹着玩儿的. | | |
ysun யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 09:03 ஆங்கிலம் - சைய்னீஸ் + ... |
ysun யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 09:03 ஆங்கிலம் - சைய்னீஸ் + ... |
wherestip யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 09:03 சைய்னீஸ் - ஆங்கிலம் + ...
wherestip யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 09:03 சைய்னீஸ் - ஆங்கிலம் + ... Texas Politics | Apr 18, 2009 |
I knew it had something to do with politicians playing games.
It was the shout-out heard around the world: Texas' Republican governor Rick Perry's praise for his state's tea-party protesters, accompanied by not-so-veiled references to a potential Lone Star State secession. The remarks prompted glaring red-website headlines and instant fodder for cable-TV pundits. But for Texas political insiders, Perry's waving of the flag of secession was just the latest volley in a Texas-size Republican civil war — a face-off between Perry and his potential rival for the 2010 Republican gubernatorial nomination, U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison.
Most observers in Texas believe Hutchison will indeed challenge Perry. She has moved from being coy about her plans to being less coy about running for governor. Still, there has been no official announcement. And so Perry has embarked on a Pavlovian political exercise: you say, "Hutchison," and he says, "Washington." Some Perry backers have even dubbed the 16-year Senate veteran "Kay Bailout Hutchison."
I don't keep up with Texas politics. But I can stand Rick Perry better than Kay Bailey Hutchinson. | | |
wherestip யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 09:03 சைய்னீஸ் - ஆங்கிலம் + ... make that ... | Apr 18, 2009 |
... But I can stand Rick Perry better than I can Kay Bailey Hutchinson. | | |
wherestip யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 09:03 சைய்னீஸ் - ஆங்கிலம் + ... Kay Bailey Hutchinson | Apr 18, 2009 |
Just for your reference.
Like I said, I don't really keep up with these Texas politicians. And my dislike for Kay Bailey Hutchinson is not based on any of her political views since I really don't know much about them. It's more based on my perception of her mannerisms and style.
So I could be totally wrong about her also.
<... See more Yueyin,
Just for your reference.
Like I said, I don't really keep up with these Texas politicians. And my dislike for Kay Bailey Hutchinson is not based on any of her political views since I really don't know much about them. It's more based on my perception of her mannerisms and style.
So I could be totally wrong about her also.
[Edited at 2009-04-18 15:58 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | |
ysun யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 09:03 ஆங்கிலம் - சைய்னீஸ் + ...
Thank you for the links. I don’t know much about Rick Perry and Kay Bailey Hutchinson. 我看 Rick Perry 那样瞎咋呼,有点哗众取宠的味道。不过,看看德州的历史,恐怕还是有少数人真会支持Secede 的主张,其中说不定真包括那个“煞可气”总统。:D
The term "six flags over Texa... See more Steve,
Thank you for the links. I don’t know much about Rick Perry and Kay Bailey Hutchinson. 我看 Rick Perry 那样瞎咋呼,有点哗众取宠的味道。不过,看看德州的历史,恐怕还是有少数人真会支持Secede 的主张,其中说不定真包括那个“煞可气”总统。:D
The term "six flags over Texas" comes from the multiple countries that have claimed the territory. Spain was the first European country to claim the area of Texas. France held a short lived colony in Texas. Mexico owned the territory until 1836 when Texas won its independence, becoming an independent Republic. In 1845 it joined the United States as the 28th state. The state's annexation helped set off a chain of events that caused the Mexican–American War in 1846. Texas seceded from the United States in early 1861, joining the Confederate States of America on March 23, 1861.
The red, white and blue Texas state flag with its lone star (the same flag adopted by the republic in 1839) today flies virtually everywhere: on government buildings, schools, banks, shopping malls, and even on oil derricks. ▲ Collapse | |
wherestip யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 09:03 சைய்னீஸ் - ஆங்கிலம் + ... |
wherestip யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 09:03 சைய்னீஸ் - ஆங்கிலம் + ... Some humor about Kay Bailey Hutchinson | Apr 18, 2009 |
In an appearance with her friend and senate college, Senator Phil Gramm, at the 1999 re-dedication of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas Museum in Austin, Gramm joked, "When people introduce us, they introduce us as the beauty and the beast. Which is always confusing to me because I never know which is which."
[Edited at 2009-04-18 17:10 GMT] | | |
ysun யுனைடட் ஸ்டேத்ஸ் Local time: 09:03 ஆங்கிலம் - சைய்னீஸ் + ... |
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