Translation glossary: NEWS

Showing entries 151-200 of 4,137
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adult stores成人用品商店 
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adult toys成人玩具 
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Adultery is sex between someone who is married and someone who is not their wife or husband./She suspected her husband had committed adultery.); 
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advanced medical equipment先进医疗设备 
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advised against resuming live chicken imports from the mainland不建议恢复输入内地活鸡 
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advised people on blood-thinning medication or anyone about to undergo an operation to avoid taking the ginkgo products正在服食抗凝血药物或须进行手术的病人不宜服食银杏制品 
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aerobic respiration有氧呼吸 
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aeronautics experts航空专家 
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afferent arteriole 
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after 106 days of capacity经过106天的囚禁 
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After all毕竟,该行仍欠受害人、公众和它的银行和保险界合作伙伴一个解释,解释为何会发生这样严重的事故。 
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after four months of investigation经过四个月的调查 
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aid groups救援组织 
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aid the spread of atypical pneumonia助长非典型肺炎病毒扩散 
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AIDS awareness programs爱滋病宣导计划 
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AIDS Foundation香港爱滋病基金会 
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aids in the prevention of cavities帮助防止蛀牙 
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AIDS is about to explode in the world\'s most populous nations.爱滋病将在全球人口最多的国家爆发。 
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AIDS victims 
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AIDS-wracked Africa爱滋病肆虐的非洲 
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air sacs气囊 
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airborne viruses); 
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Alan Lau Kwok-lam私家医院联会发言人刘国霖 
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alert police/call police报警 
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Alex Ho Wai-tao has been held by mainland authorities since last week for allegedly visiting a prostitute.何伟途涉嫌嫖妓,自上周起被大陆公安拘留。 
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Alexander Wong Hoi-tang黄海腾于九三年七月七日因胸部不适而被送入玛丽医院治疗。院方为他注入了镇痛剂「利多卡因」后,他就一直昏迷至今。黄海腾现年三十九岁,入院前性格外向,喜爱运动,从事装修。 
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algal poisoning藻源中毒 
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alien invader外来入侵者 
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All 225 people aboard the aircraft are believed dead.相信机上225名乘客已全数罹难。 
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all serve as antidotes to the stresses of city living城市生活压力的解药 
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All the people who were standing fell over(巴士上)站立的人前仆后继,叠在他人身上。 
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all with underlying illnesses - bringing the total death toll to 94. 
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allergy specialist/allergist过敏症专科医师 
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alleviate migraine headaches纾解偏头痛 
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alleviating doctors\' workload减轻医生工作量 
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allow ample time for the bacteria to multiply让细菌有足够时间繁殖 
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