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Josephine Cassar publicado em mobile compartilhado:

A game, Scratch, what it is, how to set it up, how to play it. Interesting when you warm to the subject as it’s my first time .


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 4580 palavras
  • Games/VideoGames/Gaming/Casino
  • MemoQ
  • 46% completo
Josephine Cassar publicado em mobile compartilhado:

A text about how technology can be used in construction, sensors, drones, cloud, their advantages and disadvantages, expense, how they help


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 300 palavras
  • Computers:Software
  • MemoQ
  • 100% completo
Josephine Cassar publicado em mobile compartilhado:

A text about ADHD and interviews for ADHD sufferers and parents or partners to determine if it can be confirmed in childhood or adulthood


I Do That

  • maltês para inglês
  • 5345 palavras
  • Medical(general)
  • MemSource Cloud
  • 100% completo
Josephine Cassar publicado em mobile compartilhado:

A text about a product that helps plants to form buds faster and more compact and the unique buying reason


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 2000 palavras
  • Agriculture
  • MemoQ
  • 100% completo
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

A very interesting text on SLAPPs, what it is, what can be done about it, creating awareness and preparing solicitors, journalists and human rights defenders

l-għan ta' SLAPPs mhuwiex li taċċessa l-ġustizzja imma biex tbeżża, issikket lill-konvenut u ttawwal il-proċedimenti, iħeġġu lil Istati Membri biex jappoġġjaw lill-avukati u persunal ġudizzjarju għal tagħrif esġert dwar SLAPPs, teffettwa l-libertà tal-espressjoni u tal-informazzjoni, l-obbligu li l-protezzjoni tad-data personali tkun irrikonċiljata mal-libertà tal-espressjoni u tal-informazzjoni


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 3000 palavras
  • Law (general)
  • Trados Studio
  • 100% completo
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

A text about the TIR convention, what it is, its requirements, why it is useful and where it ian be carried out

Konvenzjoni Doganali dwar it-Trasport Internazzjonali ta' Oġġetti Koperti b'Carnets TIR, intervenzjoni minima minn awtoritajiet doganali fit-triq, jistgħu jiġu iċċekkjati f'każijiet speċjali, l-assoċjazzjonijiet iridu jkun ilhom tal-inqas sena fil-pajjiż tal-ħruġ, ma jkunu wettqu ebda reat serju jew ripetut


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 1600 palavras
  • Government / Politics
  • Trados Studio
  • 100% completo
Josephine Cassar publicado em mobile compartilhado:

Text about disability and the Commission’s task of creating awareness about certain conditions, ads to show how people still succeeded


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 1000 palavras
  • Government/Politics
  • 100% completo
Josephine Cassar publicado em mobile compartilhado:

A charge sheet and indictment for murder of an investigative journalist, who contacted who for the murder, when, where, money exchanged.


I Do That

  • maltês para inglês
  • 6700 palavras
  • Law(general)
  • 100% completo
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

Instructions for using an ice-maker, that it is an additional apparatus which must be bought separately and then installed

plagg tal-elettriku mis-sokit tal-iżbokk, magna li tagħmel is-silġ hi magna fakultattiva, persunal ikkwalifikat biss għandu jinstalla l-magna, tużax apparat tal-elettriku ġol-kompartiment tal-ħażna tal-ikel


I Do That

1 user

  • inglês para maltês
  • 200 palavras
  • Electronics / Elect Eng
  • Trados Studio
  • 100% completo
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

The execution of a will- the legal and bank requirements, the terms of the will, the heirs, the responsibilities of the solicitor or notary, sharing of data, the banks' requirements

known to me and having all the qualities prescribed by law, undivided share, full and irrevocable consent, deletes annuls and revokes all previous wills he might have, power of attorney must certified and apostilled in a Maltese Consulate


I Do That

1 user

  • maltês para inglês
  • 3000 palavras
  • Law (general)
  • 100% completo
Josephine Cassar publicado em mobile compartilhado:

A text on instructions about a gel for ultrasound, what it’s for, how to use and remove, who can use it, what to do in case of side effects


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • Medical:Instruments
  • 100% completo
Josephine Cassar publicado em mobile compartilhado:

A text on instructions about a gel for ultrasound, what it’s for, how to use and remove, who can use it, what to do in case of side effects


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • Medical:Instruments
  • 100% completo
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

A very difficult text on labels for directions so words on their own and we do not have certain things in Maltese culture

bejjiegħ ta' provvisti u tagħmir għal jottijiet, burdnar, tarzna, punt ta' kuntatt bejn klijenti u awtoritajiet, baħħara dilettanti


I Do That

  • francês para maltês
  • 200 palavras
  • General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
  • 100% completo
Josephine Cassar publicado em mobile compartilhado:

A text about the European Intellectual Property Office and its answer to the European Court of Auditors, its autonomy, its setup.


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 4000 palavras
  • Other
  • 100% completo
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

A video message for Women's Day featuring brave deeds by Ukrainian women, how these are helping others in same plight in small but very meaningful ways

Nuru r-reżiljenza tan-nisa Ukreni, studenta tal-mediċina qed iżomm refuġjati għandha, tfajliet ingħaqdu mal-gradi tad-difensuri ta' Kiev meta għandhom inqas żmien mill-armi tagħhom, pensjonanta qed tagħmel it-te u ħobż għar-refuġjati, qed toffri refuġju lin-nies litlifu djarhom


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 200 palavras
  • International Org/Dev/Coop
  • Subtitle Edit
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

Just finished a text about European Diversity Week 2022, what it is, why, what it entails, who can participate and how


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 6000 palavras
  • General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
  • Trados Studio
Josephine Cassar publicado em mobile compartilhado:

A GDPR text for clinical trial patients, what data they will be asked about, how it will be stored, what it will be used for, how long store


I Do That

  • italiano para inglês
  • 6700 palavras
  • IT(InformationTechnology)
  • MemoQ
  • 100% completo
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

von der Leyen's speech after COP26 about the pandemic and the recovery plan together with the fight against climate change and protecting our values. Very interesting but stiff langauge

trasformazzjoni ekoloġika u nkużiva tas-soċjetajiet u ekonomiji tagħna, mexxejja sħabna irridu nagħmlu COP 26 suċċess għax obbligati nagħmlu dan għal uliedna, ma nistgħux inġibu lura ż-żmien li l-pandemija ħadet minn uliedna, punt importanti fir-relazzjonijiet bejn l-Istati Uniti u l-UE


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 2000 palavras
  • Government / Politics, Government/Politics
  • Trados Studio
  • 100% completo
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

Some srt files on how the EU is set up, the parliament, the Council, the Commission, the Council of Ministers, how laws are passed, who proposes, and who decides, very interesting though I knew the stuff, the interaction, multilingualism, rule of law, democracy.

eletti direttament miċ-ċittadini, l-opportunità li titgħallem dwar ir-rwoli tan0nies bħal interpreti u uxxiera li jaħdmu minn wara l-kwinti, il-Parliament Ewropew hu l-qalba tad-demokrazija fl-Unjoni Ewropea, il-Kummissjoni tagħmel proposti li jaffettwaw il-ħajja ta' kuljum tan-nies, il-Ministru tal-Affarijiet Barranin Robert Schuman għamel id-dikjarazzjoni li qiegħdet is-sisien għall-UE


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 6 palavras
  • Government / Politics
  • Aegisub
  • 100% completo
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

A text about climate change, its effects, that food prices will rise by 20% by 2050, that it will lead to the death of 500,000 children worldwide, what the EU plans to do and how it plans to achieve this, what has caused it, and

it-tibdil fil-klima jaffettwa saħħitna, iktar ma ndumu iktar inħallsu qares, m'għandniex ħin x'nitilfu, L-UE naqqset l-emissjonijiet tas-CO2 bi 30%, il-livelli tal-baħar għolew b'si 20ċm mill-1990


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 5000 palavras
  • Government / Politics
  • Subtitle Editor
  • 100% completo
Josephine Cassar publicado em mobile compartilhado:

Legal text about payment issues, what these consist of, how long these have been pending, proof of such pending payments and to whom, court.


I Do That

  • italiano para maltês
  • 1400 palavras
  • Law(general)
  • 100% completo
Josephine Cassar publicado em mobile compartilhado:

A text about autumn economic forecast for EU countries by Paolo Gentilomi, the effects of Coronavirus and how, at last, unemployment is under control, people are exiting job retention schemes, deficits will slowly lessen and inflation will stabilise. A positive outlook overall

stimolu għall-irkupru, ħruġ minn skemi għaż-żamma ta' impjiegi, qed jitnaqqsu r-restrizzjonijiet, il-programm tal-vaċinazzjoni miexi b'rata mgħaġġla


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 6000 palavras
  • Outros
  • 100% completo
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

Text on zero pollution. A summary of the longer EU text so common layman will understand it, its use, its purpose, what it hopes to achieve and by when as it impacts our life, health, ecosystems, flora

patt ekoloġiku Ewropew, lejn tniġġis żero tal-arja tal-ħamrija u tal-ilma, pjan ta' azzjonijiet, tniġġis jikkawża mewta minn kull tmienja, perkors għal pjaneta b'saħħitha għal kulħadd


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 4800 palavras
  • Government / Politics
  • 100% completo
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

Text about migration and asylum, what the treaty on the functioning of the EU (TFEU) says about migration and asylum, how it seeks to reduce migration flows, what EU states can do about citizens from non-EU countries, the impact of Schengen acquis and opt-out or opt-in for Denmark, Ireland, Switzerland and Norway

migrazzjoni u ażil, kompitu tal-Istati Membri jistabilixxu l-volumi ta' kemm jistgħu jidħlu jaħdmu ġol-pajjiż, protokolli, ċittadini minn pajjiżi terzi, liġi internazzjonali tortura mġiba degradanti


1 user

I Do That

1 user

  • inglês para maltês
  • 5000 palavras
  • Government / Politics
  • 100% completo
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

Marriage and birth certificates

Watermarked paper as one of the security features, cannot be reproduced by a photocopier, chemical indicators in the paper appear as stains if exposed to ink solvents, fine continuous blue lines printed at the top of the document give a relief effect and feel rough to the touch, when held horizontally a fleur-de-lys appears at the right hand corner of the engraving


I Do That

1 user

  • francês para inglês
  • 6 palavras
  • Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
  • 100% completo
Josephine Cassar publicado em mobile compartilhado:

translation of instruction manual for a chainsaw, how to use it, how and where to place hands, how wood must be, how to recognise blafe needs sharpening or replacing, dangers.

x'inhu bucking u kif isir, tużax fix-xita, serrieq mekkaniku b'xafra, ix-xafra xorta tibqa' ddur meta titfi


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 5612 palavras
  • Eletrônica/engenharia elétrica
  • 100% completo
Josephine Cassar publicado em mobile compartilhado:

transcription of an interview for a Maltese lad by EU group, his name, occupation, where he lives and what his experience of appearing in front of EU group means to him, that he can represent youth's ideas and aspirations. Transcription and time coding


I Do That

  • maltês para inglês
  • Geral/conversas/saudações/cartas
  • Microsoft Excel
  • 100% completo
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

Just finished working on an instruction manual for lawn mowers, its components, how to take care of them, how to use on slopes, across and not up and down a slope, dangers of finding cables in grass, how blade should be according to the type of grass, that motor can still be working when switch has been turned off, not to use on wet grass


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 4986 palavras
  • Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

A contract outlining GDPR conditions for people participating in clinical trials, what data will be gathered, where it will be stored, if you can withdraw once you participate and share data, to whom this will be passed on, legal structure, what happens if you do withdraw from the clinical trial, to whom this is passed on, where transfer of data is not safe.


I Do That

  • italiano para inglês
  • 2386 palavras
  • Law: Contract(s)
  • memoQ
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

User manual for a Hedge Blower with instructions, what to look out for, and how to operate, when not to operate, what it does and how


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 4932 palavras
  • Electronics / Elect Eng
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

A contract between an entity (a hospital in this case) and a firm to provide trials on patients and text is about how both parties are going to deal with confidentiality issues and GDPR.


I Do That

  • italiano para inglês
  • 77775 palavras
  • Law: Contract(s)
  • memoQ
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

Manual instructions about battery packs, capacity, cell voltage, symbols, how to operate, what to be careful about, life span, how to check if battery need s charging, not to re-use non-rechargeable batteries, negative and positive terminals, how to dispose of and care for the environment.

batteriji b'ammont kbir ta' materja prima, iddisponi b'mod sigur għall-ambjent, proċedura ta' ċċarġjar, tużax solventi jew deterġenti qawwija


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 1600 palavras
  • Engineering (general)
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

Instructions about use and care of protectors, what they are made of and who should avoid them because of allergies, how to put on, where and when to use, how to store and where to check for damage.

Evita kuntatt ma ra u ligi u żjut, Żomm 'il bogħod minn fjammi mikxufa, Jista' jwassal għal korriment serju u anki mewt, Kopja tal-manwal u l-grafika tal-qisien huma disponibbli


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 5000 palavras
  • Games / Video Games / Gaming / Casino, General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

Summary of EU legislation on pre packaging, that this means packaging when client is not present, weight and size and volume, the directives and their subsequent updates and by when these have to be transposed into national law, all in layman 'so terms so it's easy to understand


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • Legal
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

Text on proceedings - appeal stage - from a foreign person accused of association and drug trafficking, what Maltese and Italian laws say on time spent in preventive care till prisoner is sent to Italy, his home country, if it should be deducted or not. One part stopped communicating, and the other part quoted applicable Article from Council Framework Decision.

These proceedings had been concluded during the final judgment, the issue raised during the initial proceedings is uniquely and directly linked with the application of Council Framewrok Decision 2008/909/JHA, Strasbourg Convention deals with the transfer of prisoners, this conduct is anti-constitutional and goes against European and international law and directives


I Do That

  • maltês para inglês
  • 5000 palavras
  • Law (general)
Josephine Cassar publicado em mobile compartilhado:

Very interesting text about domestic burglaries and how to avoid, what can help, what studies have been carried out and pros/cons of alarms


2 usersI Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • Law(general)
  • Other CAT tool
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

A text on CBD and how it relieves pain, the legal aspect, what it is what it does, and how, history of CBD and what the FDA and WHO say about it

less than 2 percent THC, pain relief for millions of people worldwide, no tolerance or withdrawal effects


I Do That

1 user

  • Marketing / Market Research
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

Instructions about safety helmets, how worn, in what circumstances, how to wash them, when to replace, the dangers connected

ċinga ta' taħt il-geddum, fetħa biex tidħol il-bokkla u ara li tkun issikkata tajjeb, tagħmir personali protettiv ċertifikat mill-UE, għas-sikurezza qis li tużah meta tkun ser taħdem fil-għoli, aċċessorji tal-fabbrikant biss minħabba periklu


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 1950 palavras
  • General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
  • MemSource Cloud
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

Just finished a text with various clips on financial security on the internet, the effect of adverts, how our likes and dislikes are used to target us and what to avoid and why.

l-affarijiet li jogħġbuna u ma jogħġbuniex jibnu profil, reklamaturi jużaw biex jindirizzawna, evita li tabbona għal offerti li juru urġenza, Abbona llum għax illum jagħlqu


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 1700 palavras
  • Finance (general)
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

Just finished a text with various clips on financial security on the internet, the effect of adverts, how our likes and dislikes are used to target us and what to avoid and why.


I Do That

Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

A subtitle task on how to make sure you only buy what is within your budget on the internet as this may have repercussions such as not being able to get a loan when you need it

ma tkunx tista tleħħaq mal-pagamenti, ara kemm iddum tħallas, ma tkunx tista' tissellef meta trid 'il quddiem, aqra t-termini u kundizzjonijiet, tista' tirtira sa 14-il jum wara li tiffirma


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 1700 palavras
  • General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

A text on sustainability. Every thing we buy has an impact on the environment so what about lengthening the time span of that object? Sometimes, objects can be repaired or we can avoid buying just for the sake of buying a new object and that would affect the environment positively. We can also learn how to buy sustainably on the internet. Just a click can impact the environment.

nistgħu nużaw prodotti elettroniċi għal iktar żmien jew insewwuhom, jekk ikollna bżonn nixtru nistgħu nixtru second-hand, dan mhux biss jgħin lil ambjent imma lil finanzi tagħna stess, id-domandi tagħna jidderieġu l-produzzjoni, kull apparat għandu prezz mhux biss dak li naraw fil-ħanut


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 1700 palavras
  • General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

Subtitling project about certain everyday situations that help to make people become aware they need to pay attention and how to get help, what they must keep an eye out for and why.

Naqra ta' litteriżmu ma jfallix, Ir-regoli tal-UE jawtorizzawk tagħżel u jtuk drittijiet, Ipproteġi d-drittijiet tiegħek, għandek dritt tirtira sa 14-il jum wara li tabbona


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 1700 palavras
  • General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

Short Gif scripts to raise awareness about so typical situations from different strata of society are created and then shown how people can get the info they want. Very interesting and scripts need to be adapted to the target audience

Ma jistgħux jitolbuk tħallas iktar milli jħallsu ċ-ċittadini ta' dak il-pajjiż, X'tip t'assikurazzjoni tal-karozza irrid?, Mhux aħjar tieħu vaganza milli taħseb tmur għal xogħol, Mhux suppost ikun hemm bżonn traduzzjoni taċ-ċertifikat tat-twelid


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 1000 palavras
  • General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

Translation of court decrees for a foreigner charged with drug trafficking and association for drug sale.

without prejudice to, Council Framework Decision 2008/909/JHA, central and diplomatic authorities, parental benefits depend upon the severity of the case, major crime is for drug trafficking and not drug possession


I Do That

  • maltês para inglês
  • 1290 palavras
  • Law (general)
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

Transcription of very interesting scripts for various sectors and how the EU helps

Firxa wiesgħa ta' finanzjament fosthom self għan-negozji ġodda u kapital ta' riskju, ma tistax tintalab tħallas miżati iktar għolja miċ-ċittadini ta' dak il-pajjiż, x'tip ta' assikurazzjoni għandi bżonn għal karozza?, kemm nixtieq immur naħdem barra, minn fejn irrid nibda?


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 1000 palavras
  • General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

Very interesting article on companies that manufacture drugs and their responsibilities when they are now faced with producing new vaccine and so they do not abandon the other drugs they used to produce and which patients still need to take so they should be able to find to buy. This was following a report in a French daily about the problem of finding some drugs in the market. .

lutter contre les pénuries et améliorer la disponibilité des médicamments en France, chaque patient qui se rend en pharmacie doit pouvoir avoir accès aux médicamments dont il a besoin dans les délais qu'il attend, patients qui craignent se trouver sans médicamments


I Do That

2 users

  • francês para inglês
  • 2800 palavras
  • General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

Text about user's instructions on how to open, assemble and use a device to work out, where to use it, when to replace it, how not to use the resistance bands c

Dikjarazzjoni ta' ċaħda, tużax jekk għandu xi ħsara u ssostitwixxi mill-ewwel, aqra l-istrituzzjonijiet kollha u kura speċjali tal-prodott qabel ma tuża, ara li l-biċċa tal-injam tmiss mal-art u saqajk iridu jkunu fuqha


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 2100 palavras
  • Safety
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

Text about user's instructions on how to open, assemble and use a device to work out, where to use it, when to replace it, how not to use the resistance bands c

Dikjarazzjoni ta' ċaħda, tużax jekk għandu xi ħsara u ssostitwixxi mill-ewwel, aqra l-istrituzzjonijiet kollha u kura speċjali tal-prodott qabel ma tuża, ara li l-biċċa tal-injam tmiss mal-art u saqajk iridu jkunu fuqha


I Do That

  • inglês para maltês
  • 2100 palavras
  • Safety
Josephine Cassar publicado em compartilhado:

A text about amending the condominium building regulations for co-owners and prospective owners. The changes involve maintenance and refurbishment so they are easy and fair ,

a community of co-owners has to be easy and fair to function well, governs the rights and obligations of co-owners, current regulation models such as the Swiss Association of land owners, recommendations concerning condominium building block regulations


I Do That

3 users

  • francês para inglês
  • 4500 palavras
  • Real Estate