Limbile de lucru:
din rusă în engleză
din germană în engleză
engleză (monolingv)

Susan Welsh
Psychology, economics, politics

Statele Unite
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Limba maternă: engleză Native in engleză
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I am a native speaker of American English, a freelance translator (since 2008) and editor (since 1983).

I have a BA in Russian and Psychology.

In my translation work, I have concentrated on psychology (, economics and business, politics and government, and marketing. I do not do highly technical scientific and other technical translations, although I can handle scientific and technical documents aimed at the layman.

I am a top-notch editor and writer (since 1983), who also has a very good knowledge of German and Russian. I have often worked as an editor of translations by others. Many people who are bilingual or nearly so do not have excellent writing skills in English, so often that's where I come in.

I have long experience in editing English-language articles written by non-native speakers of English, and this is an important feature of my freelance business.

I adhere scrupulously to deadlines, as per my many years as an editor.

My preferred CAT tool is OmegaT. I also have Across and SDL Studio 2014. I do not give so-called "Trados discounts" except for 100% matches.
Acest utilizator a câştigat puncte KudoZ ajutând alţi traducători cu termeni nivel PRO. Faceţi clic pe punctajul total pentru a vizualiza traducerile de termeni propuse.

Total puncte câştigate: 738
Puncte nivel PRO: 695

Clasament limbi (PRO)
din rusă în engleză491
din germană în engleză204
Domeniu General (PRO)
Ştiinţe Sociale111
Puncte în alte 4 domenii >
Domeniu Restrâns (PRO)
Finanţe (general)69
Afaceri/Comerţ (general)56
Poezie şi literatură48
Ştiinţe sociale, Sociologie, Etică etc.39
Puncte în alte 24 domenii >

Vizualizaţi toate punctele câştigate >
Cuvinte cheie: psychology, politics, government, current affairs, economics, journalism, history, social sciences, arts, business. See more.psychology, politics, government, current affairs, economics, journalism, history, social sciences, arts, business, current affairs, экономика, политика, история, Politik, Geschichte, Geisteswissenschaft, Wirtschaftswissenschaft, Washington, D.C., USA, mental health, Psychologie, психология, native speaker American English. See less.

Ultima actualizare a profilului
Apr 27

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