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Previous translation contests

First Translation Contest 2007

English to Indonesian


Source text:

When she moved into his tiny house in Stroud, and took charge of his four small children, Mother was thirty and still quite handsome. She had not, I suppose, met anyone like him before. This rather priggish young man, with his devout gentility, his airs and manners, his music and ambitions, his charm, bright talk, and undeniable good looks, overwhelmed her as soon as she saw him. So she fell in love with him immediately, and remained in love for ever. And herself being comely, sensitive, and adoring, she attracted my father also. And so he married her. And so later he left her - with his children and some more of her own.

When he'd gone, she brought us to the village and waited. She waited for thirty years. I don't think she ever knew what had made him desert her, though the reasons seemed clear enough. She was too honest, too natural for this frightened man; too remote from his tidy laws. She was, after all, a country girl; disordered, hysterical, loving. She was muddled and mischievous as a chimney-jackdaw, she made her nest of rags and jewels, was happy in the sunlight, squawked loudly at danger, pried and was insatiably curious, forgot when to eat or ate all day, and sang when sunsets were red. She lived by the easy laws of the hedgerow, loved the world, and made no plans, had a quick holy eye for natural wonders and couldn't have kept a neat house for her life. What my father wished for was something quite different, something she could never give him - the protective order of an unimpeachable suburbia, which was what he got in the end.

The three or four years Mother spent with my father she fed on for the rest of her life. Her happiness at that time was something she guarded as though it must ensure his eventual return. She would talk about it almost in awe, not that it had ceased but that it had happened at all.

Entry #492 - Points: 0
María Florencia Vita
Dear member,

Please use this thread to post your entry (from English into this particular language) for the first translation contest.

The source text for this contest is:

When she moved into his tiny house in Stroud, and took charge of his four small children, Mother was thirty and still quite handsome. She had not, I suppose, met anyone like him before. This rather priggish young man, with his devout gentility, his airs and manners, his music and ambitions, Show full text

Entry #494 - Points: 0
Mulyadi Subali
Ketika Ibu pindah ke rumah kecil Ayah di Stroud, dan mengasuh keempat anaknya yang masih kecil, Ibu masih berusia tiga puluh tahun dan masih cukup cantik. Saya rasa, Ibu belum pernah bertemu orang seperti Ayah sebelumnya. Seorang pemuda yang sok suci, dengan gayanya yang sangat sopan, aura dan perilakunya, kesukaannya akan musik dan ambisinya, daya tariknya, gaya bahasanya yang pintar, dan wajahnya yang tampan, segera membuai Ibu pada pandangan pertama. Ibu langsung jatuh cinta dengannya, dan tetap Show full text

Entry #496 - Points: 0
Hikmat Gumilar
Ketika ia pindah ke rumah kecilnya di Stroud dan membesarkan keempat anaknya yang masih kecil-kecil, usia Ibu masih tiga puluh tahun dan wajahnya masih cukup cantik. Kurasa Ibu tiriku sebelumnya belum pernah bertemu orang seperti ayah. Seorang anak muda yang sedikit terlihat angkuh dengan gayanya yang sopan santun dan rendah hati serta tulus, punya minat terhadap musik dan berambisi, daya tariknya, gaya bicaranya yang cerdas dan ketampanannya yang tidak bisa dipungkiri segera mempesonakan Ibu ketika Show full text

Entry #498 - Points: 0
Hipyan Nopri
Ketika ibu pindah ke rumah kecil ayah di Stroud, dan mengurus keempat anak ayah yang masih kecil, Ibu baru berumur tiga puluh tahun dan masih cantik. Menurut perkiraan saya, ibu belum pernah bertemu orang seperti ayah sebelumnya. Pria muda yang agak angkuh ini, dengan budi bahasanya yang halus, sikap dan tingkah lakunya, musik dan ambisinya, pesonanya, cara bicaranya yang cerdas, dan penampilan yang sangat menarik, langsung memikat hati ibu ketika ibu pertama kali melihatnya. Jadi, ibu langsung jatuh Show full text

Entry #500 - Points: 0
Rahmat Rahmat, Ph.D. (X)
Ketika ia pindah ke rumah mungilnya di Stroud, dan merawat keempat anaknya yang masih kecil, Ibu masih berumur tiga puluh tahun dan masih terlihat menawan. Aku menduga ia belum pernah bertemu siapapun seperti dia sebelumnya. Pria muda yang agak kaku dengan budi bahasa yang santun ini, tindak-tanduknya, cita-citanya, pesonanya, cara bicaranya yang cerdas dan parasnya menawannya yang tidak dapat disangkal, membuat Ibu terpesona pada pandangan pertama. Ibu langsung jatuh cinta kepadanya, dan tidak berhenti Show full text

Feedback - First Translation Contest 2007
This space is provided for feedback and suggestions about the contest in this particular language pair.
As we have already planned, this feature is now open to all members (full, community and student members).