Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Apr 14 '19 esl>eng a la que fije e inutilice to which (she) does affix and cancel (by crossing out) pro closed ok
- Apr 14 '19 esl>eng con carácter probatorio with (conclusive) evidentiary force pro closed ok
- Apr 14 '19 esl>eng rogante applicant (for an affidavit); requesting party pro closed ok
4 Apr 12 '19 esl>eng se tome en consideración este escrito admitiendo a trámite (that) this submission (E&W: statement of case) be taken into account, giving leave to entertain pro closed no
- Apr 11 '19 esl>eng previa oportuna convocatoria (the following persons gathered to attend) a meeting having been duly called pro closed no
- Apr 10 '19 esl>eng traslado que con la presente se confiere (crim) disclosure of material/(civ. US) discovery of evidence that is granted herewith pro open no
- Apr 9 '19 esl>eng plexo ritual (Arg. > (civil & commercial 'loose-leaf') corpus of procedural or adjectival law pro closed no
- Apr 8 '19 fra>eng précepte normatif a standard (story)line; a ritual rule of thumb pro just_closed no
4 Apr 7 '19 esl>eng a su ejecución at implementation thereof (judicial or admin. levy of execution) pro closed no
4 Apr 6 '19 esl>eng Titular de la Defensa (Mex) National Defenc/se Secretary; Head of Defenc/se pro closed no
NP Apr 6 '19 esl>eng defensa tecnica Defenc/se handled routinely by an abogado/Attorney-at-Law pro open no
4 Apr 6 '19 esl>eng no reuniendo alguno de los requisitos de la ley No. 18216, no se concede ninguno none of the Act No. 18216 ('combined sentencing') requirements being met, none of them is granted pro closed no
NP Apr 5 '19 esl>eng concurso heterogéneo in a nexus (series) of multiple offending (variously combined with concealment) pro open no
- Apr 5 '19 esl>eng la prescripción gradual de la pena (Chile) partial (parole) discount of the sentence (tapered) mid-term pro closed no
4 Apr 4 '19 esl>eng Comunica Principio de Oportunidad Notice of (the Doctrine of) Discretion to Prosecute pro closed ok
- Apr 3 '19 esl>eng Dirección de Despacho, Mesa de Entradas y Atención al Público (Arg.) Sorting Department, Post Inwards and Help Desk pro closed no
- Apr 3 '19 fra>eng du moins depuis temps non prescrit dating back at least to a time unbarred; at least from time unbarred pro closed ok
4 Apr 2 '19 dan>eng dit løbende samvær bortfalder (Can/UK) the/your regular contact (US: visitation rights) will cease pro closed ok
- Apr 1 '19 esl>eng salvación de voto withholding of vote(s); (here) majority-withhold vote pro closed ok
4 Apr 1 '19 esl>eng se verifica is held > to take place pro closed no
- Mar 31 '19 esl>eng recibir una demanda laboral receive a work-related (UK: industrial/employment tribunal) complaint pro closed ok
- Mar 27 '19 esl>eng Ampararse en un título Find safe harbo(u)r in a chapter of an enactment pro closed no
- Mar 28 '19 esl>eng censura (ESP & PAN) Highest-Level ('Quashing') Appeal Submission pro just_closed no
- Mar 27 '19 eng>fra District Judge (UK) (CH & BE)) Juge de paix pro just_closed no
- Mar 26 '19 fra>eng Auditeur de Justice (approx. UK > Judicial Studies College Graduate) Justices' Clerk pro just_closed no
4 Mar 25 '19 esl>eng evacuar audiencia en la vía incidental to comply with directions (US) in ancillary proceedings; (UK) on an interim relief application pro closed no
4 Mar 25 '19 esl>eng medios de prueba individualizados individually identified (labelled) types of evidence pro closed ok
- Mar 24 '19 esl>eng hechos de la consignacion (US felony) counts > (UK) points > of the indictment pro closed ok
- Mar 20 '19 fra>eng faire acte d'héritier to deal (with assets) as an estate beneficiary pro closed no
- Nov 4 '16 ron>eng act de dispozitie (active) dealing pro closed ok
- Mar 3 '19 esl>eng título de la ejecución the basis of enforcement (authority for the enforcement of the oppressive clause etc.) pro closed ok
- Mar 18 '19 fra>eng mesure de tutelle confiée à un mandataire judiciaire extra familial a receivership entrusted to a Judicial Trustee (E&W: Court of Protection Deputy) outside the family pro closed no
- Mar 14 '19 esl>eng audiencia de debate Pre-trial disclosure hearing (crim. E&W) Plea & Trial Preparation hearing; (civ.) CMC pro closed ok
- Mar 17 '19 sve>eng lända till omedelbar etterrättelse utan hinder av förd klagan move (proceed) to enforcement forthwith, notwithstanding any appeal brought (entered) pro closed no
- Sep 3 '05 esl>eng opone/opongo excepción de incompetencia do or does enter a plea to the jurisdiction/ a jurisdictional plea pro closed no
- May 7 '17 esl>eng excepción de incompetencia plea to the jurisdiction or jurisdictional plea pro closed ok
- May 8 '11 esl>eng excepción de incompetencia vs declinatoria plea to the jurisdiction/jurisdictional plea vs. for the court to decline jurisdiction pro just_closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered